Operation of nasal septum (septoplasty)

Operation of nasal septum (septoplasty) aims to improve nasal obstruction and comfort of breathing through the nose. It also allows an accurate assessment of the nose behind the curvature during ENT testing, as well as improves the natural flow of secretions from the sinuses, thereby reducing the incidence of sinusitis.
Sometimes, depending on the state of the nasal mucosa and turbinates, it is justified to also fix bottom turbinates for optimal comfort breathing through the nose.


Treatment of nasal septum is usually performed under general anesthesia. Icision is performed in the nasal vestibule, therfore it remains invisible. The treatment consists, depending on the indication and the type of curvature, of the cartilage correction and – less frequently – bone nasal septum, so as to obtain the relative symmetry of the nostrils. The treatment ends with suturing of the wounds and bilateral septum stabilization by the tamponades soaked with ointment.
Duration: approx. 40 – 90 minutes
The final outcome of the surgery is usually seen after approx. 4-6 weeks.

Preparing for the operation:

  • Perform the necessary tests ordered by a doctor for qualification to the surgery.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions regarding medications you are taking on a daily basis.
  • Before surgery tell your doctor about your current infection. It is an absolute contraindication for the surgery.
  • If you are taking aspirin or other medications that affect blood clotting let your doctor know about it during the qualification to determine the optimal course of treatment.
  • The use of steroid drops in nasal aerosol increases the risk of complications during surgery – your doctor needs to be fully informed about any nasal drops that you use.

Contraindications to the nasal septum correction:

  • Acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Serious illness
  • Severe atrophic rhinitis

Risk and possible complications:

The decision to have the surgery of the nasal septum is an individual matter. You need to assess whether, the procedure will meet your expectations and if you can fully accept the possible risk and potential complications. Remember that complications may occur after any operation.

Post operative procedures:

Tamponades of the nose are maintained for 4 days after surgery. Sometimes there is a need to insert the nasal tamponade again. During this period, the patient may feel a minor pain that can be easily manage with medications . After removing tamponade the nose requires attention because of the possible retention of secretions and scabs. Taking care of the wounds is not complicated, patients are able to do it on their own. It is not advised to do sport during approximately first 2 weeks after the surgery.