
„Beauty is a gate to happiness” – Platon

Fulfillment of dreams about beauty

Being beauty has been a dream of almost all of the women for ages. Unfortunately, although the nature is so generous in its variety, very rarely it gives us exactly, what we expect. Nowadays we know, that beauty has a lot of faces and does not depend on the age. Not only the genes determine it, but also the newest accomplishments of medicine. The modern Clinic of Plastic Surgery ARTPLASTICA was created in order to help people to make the dreams about beauty come truth. We would like to give You a key to „the gate that leads to happiness”. We help to make the first step towards regaining the joy of life and self—confidence.

Nic dziwnego, że większość ludzi marzy o tym, by dołączyć do tej elity. Niestety natura, choć tak szczodra w swej różnorodności, nie zawsze daje nam to, czego pragniemy. Dziś już wiemy, że uroda ma wiele twarzy i jest niezależna od wieku. Zawdzięczamy ją nie tylko genom, ale i najnowszym osiągnięciom medycyny. Nowoczesna Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej Artplastica została stworzona właśnie po to, by spełniać odwieczne marzenie o pięknie. Pomagamy uczynić pierwszy krok na drodze ku odzyskaniu radości życia i pewności siebie. To, że natura nas zawiodła, nie oznacza, że musimy bezkrytycznie akceptować jej wyroki.

„We want to make our dreams come true, but usually we want things, that the world wants from us” – Shakespeare

The correction of nature is especially important in the present times, when the attractive, young appearance has a great impact on personal and professional success. Today beauty is almost as important as a diploma of good university, therefore it is not surprising, that the demand for esthetic medicine procedures in America or Europe keeps increasing (for example in England it has increased of 150% within the last few years), and it in not only the trend. Also Polish women became more demanding, and start to think about preservation of their looks and so called capital of youth earlier. More than a half of American women identify beauty with health, in Poland this view becomes more popular. However, environment pollution, changes of metabolism and changes of lifestyle cause the deterioration of functioning and looks of skin, the eyes become tired and have dark circles. For that reason esthetic medicine becomes more and more popular, as it allows restoration of nice appearance and improvement of quality of life.

Aid in decision making

Although the knowledge of plastic surgery keeps increasing, the decision concerning undergoing certain procedure and changing of part of own body becomes difficult. We understand the dilemma of our patients very well and this is why we support them, giving them a complex medical care and assistance, treating each one of them individually, with full understanding and warranty of anonymousness. Warm, family atmosphere, comfort conditions during the entire stay in our Clinic and complex care of good mood of our patients help them to get rid of fears and tensions, and also allow psychology preparation to the procedure.