Correction of the upper eyelids – „I am so happy that I decided on having the surgery”

First time patient

I made my decision to have a surgical correction of the upper eyelids after many years of working as a surgical nurse. During my practice I had the opportunity to observe thousands of similar procedures, so I knew exactly how it goes, as I was leading patients during recovery period. Once I noticed there was a need to undergo surgery myself, I did not hesitate for long. The procedure was performed by Dr. Tomasz Dydymski in whom I totally trust. To fully benefit from the treatment it must be performed with extreme precision, as from this precision depends the symmetry of the eyelids.

Ula - Correction of the upper eyelids- Artplastica - Plastic Surgery Clinic

Post-surgical care

I am happy to share my personal experience, on how to take care of yourself during convalescence period. I recommend taking vitamin C 1000 for three weeks before surgery, and after application of cold compresses with Boric Acid, eye lubrication with Neomycinum and, if necessary, the use of anti swelling medications. It is also important to regularly massage the scars after removing the stitches. I n my opinion methods mentioned above allowed me to relatively comfortable return to daily duties after surgery.

Incomparable comfort

I am glad that I could take a week off to recover, because it wouldn’t be the best idea to return right away to the professional duties. Currently, I am a month after surgery, and my eyes look fresh and young. I am so happy, I decided on this procedure, not only for aesthetic reasons but for the comfort in everyday life.

Ula - Correction of the upper eyelids- Artplastica - Plastic Surgery Clinic

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